
Friday, October 27, 2006

i think your rite lah zee... life is for us to enjoy not to suffer... we life live just once... just once...

why didnt i think of it much more earlier ah... im just 18... theres still a life time of experience for me to enjoy my life!!! i am the king of my own life!! i make my own decision...

well all this while i have been able to pass through this kind of feeling not once but a few times... but i do not know why i cannot handle this DILLEMA now...

i think i have grown soft lah... well thanks for the advise my friend and also to the others whom advise me on my DILLEMA... now then i know who and whom is my true friends... true friends will help us when we are in trouble but friends will help us only if there is a something for them to gain... thanks again for making me realise this... i think that poly life have really change my prospective and my attitude has change towards my life...

well... THE ROCK shoulnt be weaken by DILLEMA... THE ROCK control his own destiny and THE ROCK is THE ROCK... you know what i mean... and zee... i am no longer THE PEBBLE...

well... this is the month of syawal and it should be a happy month for me and i shouldnt get too emo on stuff like DILLEMA...

haiyah... i think this is life ah and this things that make us mature...

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since this is my blog and there are just lots of things that i am going or has talked about. the things that i talk about may hurt some people and may inject some kind of unhappiness and angry for some. so, i cant keep track who's reading and this blog is like my journal so i am not going to apologise or watever. just read on... feeling the least offended already??? smack that.. all on the floor.. smack that.. give me some more.. smack that.. till u get sore.. hahahaha.... peace out peeps...
